MOMO-02 - Sharing ideas of member organisations: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain & the Indian Pharmaceutical Association



Mrs Carolina Martinez-Berganza, Director International Affairs Consejo and Mrs. Manjiri Gharat, Vice-President, IPA


FIP member organisations will present their best initiatives and challenges.



08:00 – 08:05 Introduction by the chair
08:05 – 08:25 Pharmaceutical collaboration between levels of care: Community pharmacy-hospital pharmacy
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos de España

This session aims to address two pharmaceutical intervention areas in which Spanish pharmacy has demonstrated its value and experience in the last couple of years.

  • There is community and hospital pharmacy collaboration, covering two projects: “HIRIS”, which focuses on collaborative dispensing of hospital medicines in community pharmacies, and which was born because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and “Juntos”, which has enabled collaboration between different levels of healthcare for transplant patients, with the aim of improving their adherence to life-saving treatments.
  • The contribution of community pharmacies in rural areas through the development of socio-health services. The AFI Report highlighted the contribution of Spanish community pharmacies to territorial cohesion, the economic development of rural areas and the demographic challenge (depopulation, male domination of the territory, etc.).
08:25 – 08:45

Advancing community pharmacy practice in India: Initiatives, challenges and progress
Indian Pharmaceutical Association


Community Pharmacy Practice is not yet well developed in India. India is the country with probably the highest number of community pharmacies and pharmacists. It is an asset to have such a huge human resource available for building strong healthcare systems. But the fact is that these human resources have remained a missing link in the health system. Inspired by the FIP, the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) along with several other organizations have constantly worked towards uplifting the pharmacy practice in the country. But it has been a mammoth task. The session discusses several initiatives taken up by IPA and other Organizations in last 2 decades, its outcome and the old and new challenges.