PSTU-01 - Sustainable pharmacy: Pharmacy practice and the environment for the future

Great Hall 1
Organised by FIP's Industrial Pharmacy Section in collaboration with FIP's Community Pharmacy Section


Dr Esa Chen, Centre for Health Economics, Monash Business School, Monash University Australia


The threat to our climate is existential and it is well known that certain areas of pharmacy practice contribute to the worsening state of the environment. There is a need to acknowledge the environment as a key factor in our quest to build sustainable pharmacy practice globally for both the present and the future. Similar to the key action plans of COP 26 and COP 27 summits, it is necessary for pharmacists to re-orient their practice to contribute towards saving the environment. The session aims to improve the knowledge of participants on practical steps towards achieving an environment-oriented sustainable pharmacy practice. It will also create a platform for participants to engage with each other and share ideas or examples of successful environment-oriented pharmacy practice. In this session, participants will discuss the latest FIP policy statement on environmentally sustainable pharmacy practice that is expected to be launched during the congress.



11:00 – 11:05 Session introduction by the chair
11:05 – 11:30 The vital role of the pharmacist in protecting patient health from climate hazards — The basics of climate adaptation
Mr Chima Amadi, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Nigeria
11:30 – 11:55 The responsibility of pharmacists in climate change and planetary health — Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution for a better tomorrow
Dr Shellyza Sajwani, The Ottawa Hospital, Canada
11:55 – 12:20 Panel discussion
12:20 – 12:30 Closing

Learning objectives

  • To improve knowledge of practical steps towards achieving an environment-oriented sustainable pharmacy practice
  • To learn of practical examples of environment-oriented pharmacy practice across the globe
  • To discuss the FIP policy statement on environmentally sustainable pharmacy practice

Take home messages

Climate change should be a key word in everyday pharmacy practice. There is a need to leverage the pharmacy policy statement on environmentally sustainable pharmacy practice as a guide to pharmacy practice.