PSTU-06 - Unique pharmacy careers: innovation in pharmacy to deliver the development goals

Great Hall 2


Ms Safiye Çağansel, President ECPG


The future of pharmacy requires early career pharmacists to be involved in the development and implementation of new innovative services. Identification of roles and services which can be filled by pharmacists which contribute to local, national and international health targets will help solidify pharmacists as an integral part of the health sector. It is undeniable that the role of a pharmacist has advanced from the traditional drug dispenser role to trusted health care professionals who contribute to patient outcomes through extensive management of drug therapy. Globally, the primary practice that many pharmacy school graduates wish to pursue upon graduation is community pharmacy. However, in this increasingly digital world, especially post-pandemic, pharmacists are fortunately well-equipped with valuable skills that allow them to pursue non-traditional opportunities while maintaining impactful frontline care. Career development has always been a priority for FIP ECPG, with the goal of providing guidance and support to pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in navigating the early phase of their careers. To that end, the Career Development Toolkit for Early Career Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Scientists was developed by a broad range of FIP ECPG members in 2020. The toolkit aims to be a guide for early career pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists to help them to develop their careers and build their expertise in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. This workshop aims to be a guide for early career pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists to help them to develop their careers and build their expertise in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.



14:30 – 14:35 Session introduction by the chairs
14:35 – 14:50 Sports pharmacist
Ms Athena Brindle Cannon, U.S. Sports Pharmacy Group, United States
14:50 – 15:05 Procurement, supply chain, and high risk environment – Humanitarian Sector
Mr Lucas Ercolin, Médicos del Mundo (Spain) Mission Ukraine, Brazil
15:05 – 15:55 Panel discussion with the above speakers and:
Dr Whitley Yi, FIP Technology Forum, United States
Dr Rebecka Isaakson, FIP SIG: NGPS Chair, Sweden
Dr Amanda Cavness, FIP ECPG Chairperson of Projects, United States
15:55– 16:00 Conclusions


Learning objectives

  • To describe novel positions for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists
  • To discuss how non-traditional pharmacy roles will help achieve development goals
  • To identify areas of opportunity for expansion of pharmacists’ roles

Take home messages

Whilst the number of pharmacy graduates continues to increase, we may consider what other roles can be filled by pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists. This session will dive into non-traditional and innovative roles for our profession. These roles represent novel and effective ways of utilizing pharmacists’ skills in today’s dynamic health care world. By championing these novel roles for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists, we are advocating for advancing our profession by establishing changes to current pharmacy resources, ultimately promoting career opportunities and patient care simultaneously.