PSTU-08 - Enabling indigenous leadership in education to transform pharmacy practice and build a sustainable workforce

Organised by FIP's Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section


Prof. Faye McMillan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia


There is a global acknowledgement that colonization has had a devastating impact on the health and well-being of millions of Indigenous people. The arrival of settlers in many parts of the world has proven to be deleterious for Indigenous Peoples, which continues to propagate intergenerational trauma. Enabling Indigenous leadership across institutions brings Indigenous knowledge and values to the table and changes outcomes for Indigenous people in all spheres. In this session, we will share how Indigenous leadership is transforming pharmacy practice by presenting pharmacist education experiences in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Australia and Canada. This Indigenous-led and co-designed approach is transferable to other countries if the aim is to build a sustainable and socially accountable pharmacist workforce delivering culturally safe and responsive care.



14:30 – 14:40

Acknowledgement of country

Prof. Faye McMillan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Dr Leanne Te Karu, Otago University, New Zealand 

14:40 – 14:45 Session introduction by the chair
14:45 – 15:00 Role play – Group activity
15:00 – 15:10 Break for reflection
15:10 – 15:35

Indigenous principles and systems shifts: Aotearoa & Canada

Dr Leanne Te Karu, Otago University, New Zealand and Asst.Prof. Jaris  Swidrovich, University of Toronto, Canada

15:35 – 15:55 Lessons learned and what we need from FIP
15:55 – 16:00 Wrap up

Learning objectives

  • To discuss how disruption of Indigenous knowledge systems have contributed to poor outcomes for Indigenous people, particularly in health
  • To explain how education can support the development of a culturally safe pharmacy workforce
  • To identify strategies for enabling Indigenous leadership and elevating Indigenous voices in pharmacist education and practice
  • To develop a better understanding of culturally safe pharmacy practice

Take home messages

If Indigenous leadership is enabled within pharmacist education and related institutions, culturally safe pharmacy practice will be the outcome. Culturally safe care will contribute towards restoring health and well-being for Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of society.