LSWE-03 - Estimating the impact of enabling information systems to share patients’ medicines information digitally: the English example.

Organised by the FIP Community Pharmacy Section


Mr Sherif Guorgui , President FIP Community Pharmacy Section, Canada


This session will be on the theme of transition medication errors, their prevalence and burden, and the impact of digital interventions on reducing those errors and burden.



12:30 – 12:35 Introduction by the chair
12:35 – 13:10

Presentation by:
Prof. Rachel Elliott, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

13:10 – 13:30 Panel discussion/Q&A

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the prevalence of medication errors at key transitions between care settings, and associated patient harm and healthcare cost.
  2. Understand the effect of enabling healthcare information systems to share patients’ medicines information digitally on medication errors by pharmacists.
  3. Appreciate the challenges around identifying transition medication errors, and attributing harm and costs.
  4. Appreciate the challenges around evaluating the impact of enabling healthcare information systems to share patients’ medicines information digitally on medication errors.

Take home messages

Medication errors at transfer between care settings cause avoidable harm and costs. Enabling healthcare information systems to share patients’ medicines information digitally can reduce the number of transition medication errors and the number of people affected by 40%, with fewer people experiencing harm, reducing avoidable deaths, and fewer hospital days leading to cost savings. These benefits will only be realised in the presence of standard medicines reconciliation and sufficient capacity for implementation.