PSWE-05 - Machine learning and artificial intelligence in drug discovery and repurposing

Organised by The Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association


Dr Jenni Ilomaki, Monash University, Australia


The growing capabilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence are phenomenal, with many aspects of life now being able to be predicted with these sophisticated technologies. The opportunities that machine learning and artificial intelligence provide in advancing general health and the discovery and development of new medicines are becoming increasingly recognised, with new approaches appearing daily. Almost all major pharmaceutical companies are employing these approaches to assist in the many facets of drug discovery and development, including prediction of new hits, binding affinities, solubility, stability and formulation. Moving beyond simple drug discovery, machine learning algorithms are also assisting in the selection of existing medicines for the treatment of different diseases. This symposium will provide a contemporary overview of the opportunities and possibilities that machine learning and artificial intelligence can impart in the drug discovery and development process, repurposing of medicines and evaluating the effectiveness of medicines.



11:00 – 11:05 Session introduction by the chair
11:05 – 11:45

Machine learning approaches in drug discovery and repurposing

Mr Fabio Urbina, Collaborations Pharmaceuticals, United States

11:45 – 12:25

Exploiting artificial intelligence to optimise medication and safety

Prof Michael Sorich, Flinders University, Australia

12:25 – 12:30 Closing and summary

Learning objectives

  • To learn how machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to discover new drugs and formulation strategies
  • To appreciate how machine learning is being exploited to repurpose medicines
  • To undertand how machine learning has the capacity to guide the selection of doses and medicines for optimum pharmacotherapy

Take home messages

Artificial intelligence has the potential to change the discovery of new therapeutics and impact medicine use and safety, important for the practice of pharmacy.