PLTU-02 - Plenary session – Partnerships: Challenges, opportunities and sustainable solutions to strengthen health systems

Great Hall 3-4


Prof. Marianne Ivey, FIP Vice-President, USA and Dr Virginia Olmos, FIP Vice-President, Uruguay


The effective and strategic development of partnerships has proven to be a cornerstone in advancing health systems worldwide. In this session, the speakers will explore diverse collaborations and alliances that demonstrate the substantial benefits of working together to ensure global safety, enhance health systems, and improve medicine quality.

Highlighting both the breadth and outcomes of these partnerships, this session aims to provide insights and practical examples that underline the importance of efforts for future global health advancements.


16:30 – 16:35 Introduction by the chairs
16:35 – 16:50 World Health Organization – the benefit of working in partnership for global safety
Dr Raffaella Giovanna Balocco, World Health Organization (WHO), Switzerland
16:50 – 17:05

Collaboration in the 21st century
Mr Trevor Gore, Institute of Collaborative Working, United Kingdom

17:05 – 17:20 Enhancing health systems through strategic partnerships and medicines quality
Dr. Ronald T. Piervincenzi, United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), United States
17:20 – 17:30 Summary and plans for 2024 partnerships and closing remarks

Learning objectives

  1. Analyse the value and benefits of working in partnership for global safety and health system enhancement.
  2. Identify and explore various examples of successful collaborations, including those with WHO, the Institute of Collaborative Working, and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).
  3. Evaluate how strategic collaborations contribute to ensuring medicines’ quality and safety.
  4. Engage with the presented examples to conceive strategies and plans for forging and enhancing partnerships in 2024 and beyond.

Take home messages

Strategic collaborations emphasise a commitment to ensuring the quality and safety of medicines, showcasing a shared global responsibility to enhance healthcare outcomes. The shared knowledge and insights from the session offer a roadmap to deepen existing partnerships and forge new alliances, aligning with future goals for 2024 and beyond.