PSMO-03 - The power of data in pharmacy: Supporting surveillance of infection outbreaks and identifying high-risk patients

Great Hall 3-4
Organised by FIPs Community Pharmacy Section in collaboration with FIPs Academic Pharmacy Section


Mr Raj Vaidya, CPS ExCo member, India


Whilst advances in data and surveillance have been made since the pandemic, use of data relating to pharmacy medicines purchases is still an untapped resource. Over the counter purchases can be used to help detect earlier infectious outbreaks or aid earlier diagnosis of conditions. Combined with behavioural insights, pharmacists have an opportunity to use such data to better target patients and communities with key health messages and services, leading to better use of health resources and outcomes for patients. The session will help to explore the power of this type of data and the significance of working globally to identify key markers and prevent infectious outbreaks.



11:00 – 11:05 Session introduction by the chair
11:05 – 11:30 The potential of pharmacy sales data to augment the syndromic surveillance system in response to COVID-19 and preparedness for future infectious disease outbreaks in Indonesia
Dr Sagung Sawitri, Medicine Udayana University Indonesia
11:30 – 11:55 Tracking pharmacy data in Portugal for identifying infectious diseases
Ms Ema Paulino, Associação Nacional das Farmácias (ANF), Portugal
11:55 – 12:25 Panel discussion
12:25 – 12:30 Wrap up and conclusions

Learning objectives

  • To understand how pharmacy data can support health surveillance and outbreak detection (case study over the counter medicines and respiratory outbreaks in deprived communities)
  • To assess the power of pharmacy data when combined with other sources to predict patients at high risk (case study ovarian cancer)
  • To understand how data can be used to prioritise health resources to support patients at high risk and most in need
  • To discuss what is required to support the pharmacy workforce in making better use of data

Take home messages

Pharmacy data can be utilised to support the prioritisation of healthcare resources, both in the short- and long-term in relation to infectious outbreaks and patients at high risk. Collaboration with data scientists, behavioural teams and policy makers is key to ensure that the data can be effectively interpreted to allow pharmacy teams to support their patient population.