LSTU-03 - Towards a sustainable pharmacy workforce to protect the public: A workshop of pharmacy professional regulators

Organised by FIPs Regulators Advisory Group


Mr Brett Simmonds, Chair of FIP Regulators Advisory Group, Australia


Pharmacists and the pharmacy workforce play a variety of critical roles in healthcare systems, related to medicines, patient safety, patient-centred care and public health, among others. Yet, to provide these much-needed roles, ensure the best patient outcomes and protect the public, it is essential to ensure the sustainability of the pharmacy workforce. This ranges from ensuring sufficient workforce capacity and addressing workforce shortages, promoting a needs-based and engaging scope of practice and work environment, and protecting the resilience of the workforce.


13:00 – 13:05 Opening remarks by the chair
13:05 – 13:20

Introductory keynote describing the challenges

Mr Brett Simmonds, Chair of FIP Regulators Advisory Group, Australia

13:20 – 14:05


1. Addressing pharmacy workforce shortages and recruitment

Facilitator: Mrs Marie-Hélène Morzadec (L’Ordre national des pharmaciens, France)
Rapporteur: Mrs Carolina Martínez Berganza (Consejo General de Colegios Farmacéuticos, Spain) 

  1. How can regulators raise awarenesson the scope of practice and professional satisfaction of pharmacists more broadly to society, and in particular to young generations?
  2. From a regulatory perspective, how can we make the profession more robust and fulfilling to ensure recruitment of talented and keen young people?

2. Ensuring an engaging scope of practice and work environment 

Facilitator: Mr Brett Simmonds, Chair of FIP Regulators Advisory Group, Australia
Rapporteur: Mrs Anastasia Shiamptanis, New Brunswick College of Pharmacists, Canada

  1. How can regulators ensure that the scope of pharmacy practice remains aligned with healthcare needs and expands and anticipates the expectations of patients and health systems?
  2. How can regulators ensure that the work environments of pharmacists enable expanded scope of practice?

3. Protecting the workforce that protects the public 

Facilitator: Dr Al Carter , National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), United States
Rapporteur: Ms Ema Paulino, Associação Nacional das Farmácias (ANF), Portugal 

  1. How can regulators contribute to supporting the mental health and well-being of the pharmacy workforce and prevent burnout and dropouts?
  2. How can regulators ensure the resilience of the workforce, both at the individual and the institutional level?
  3. How can regulators contribute to reducing the violence against the pharmacy workforce and protect their safety?
14:05 – 14:15 Reporting back to the group by the facilitator/rapporteur 
14:15 – 14:25 Conclusions and closing remarks by the chair