FIP HPS - Basel Statement update

Organised by FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section


The Basel Statements were created in 2008 and revised in 2016 and reflect the vision of Hospital Pharmacy practice. The Basel Statements are used to improve Hospital Pharmacy practice around the world using the Basel Statement Assessment tool.

The Hospital Pharmacy section has started a project to update the Basel Statements.
It is for this project that we would like to reach out to you.

The aim of the project is to have a set of Basel Statements that remain relevant to hospital pharmacists in all WHO regions. The scope is not to revise a great part of the Statement set, but the project specifically will look at statements that might need clarification and/or slight modifications. In addition, the project is designed to identify potential gaps that might not be part of the current set of Statements.

The first phase of the project is to map the current Basel Statements to FIP documents (e.g., the FIP Development Goals). In addition, we will be mapping the Basel Statements to Hospital Pharmacy Association statements/standards on Hospital Pharmacy Practice. We have retrieved published standards from member organisations of FIP and other interested parties with which the HPS has had interactions.

We would like to invite you to participate in 2 sessions at the congress. The first one is today and will be focused on reviewing the mapping of the various statements, evaluating the statements most need to be optimized, and a workshop on developing implementation plans for a few of the Basel Statements.

The second session will be on Wednesday, 27 September from 12:30 to 13:30. This session will be a report on the Basel Statement mapping and the development of the implementation plans.

Please plan to join us in these sessions in Brisbane. If you have any questions about the process, please email the team at [email protected]. With your help, we hope to create a truly global mapping.

The project is coordinated by a project team consisting of Stephen Eckel, Jonathan Penm, Régis Vaillancourt, Rebekah Moles, Racha Dabliz, Mike Stepanovic, and Rob Moss.